
Fiti calmi si cititi Agatha Christie
01/21/2014 de Dan Plesa   Agatha Christie, marea autoare de literatura politista, recunoscuta ca fiind cea mai vanduta scriitoare din lume, a scris romane, piese de teatru si scurte povestiri aproape toate de un succes incontestabil. Cele mai cunoscute romane ale sale sunt “Crima din Orient Express”, “Misterul de la Sittaford”, “Cu cartile pe masa”, “Zece negri mititei”, “Cine l-a ucis pe Robert Ackroyd”. Cartile ei, traduse in toate limbile pamantului fac deliciul cititorilor de t..
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Are Physical Books Still Relevant?
01/07/2014 by Eli Lester Like most of you out there, I spend a decent bit of time (probably more than I should) crawling around the Internet digging through the static. However, there are instances when I come across a thought-provoking piece of content. The latest such piece I found was not very illuminating in and of itself, but the bigger question it presents is something worthy of a discussion. The content was a poll hosted by Lifehacker titled "How Do You Prefer to Read Your Books?" ..
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Din nou Morometii
Din nou Morometii - 30/12/2013
de Dan Plesa 02.01.2013   M-am apucat de recitit Morometii, vol. I. O adevarata bucurie. Taramul magic al satului romanesc, sat in care mi-am petrecut si eu o parte a copilariei. O senzatie stranie de aducere aminte a unor vremuri de demult, a unor lucruri in mijlocul carora am crescut. Aceleasi vorbe pe care copil fiind le-am auzit din gura bunica-mii, ori pe strabunica-mea rostindu-le. Pe timpul acela mamaliga inca se taia cu ata, iar mancearea se manca din strachini cu linguri d..
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A Gentleman on Sunday: Writers and Debtors' Prison
by Eli Lester 12/30/2013   After writing last week's blog post, I started wondering about other books I've read where the introduction meant more to me than the actual meat of the book. One immediately came to mind – The Sunday Gentleman by Irving Wallace, which was found in a recent anticariat acquisition. I can't say I'm a fan of Wallace's journalistic style, but the introduction to the book had a few interesting points.   The title of the book itself points back to a ..
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by Eli Lester 12/24/2013   Being involved in an anticariat, I see a lot of books, and even read a few from time to time. The best part is that the selection of what I read is largely random, depending entirely on what stock we acquired in any given week and ranging from badly-written contemporary novels to political books written at the turn of the 20th century. While I would argue that there is something valuable to be taken from nearly every book ever printed, sometimes the v..
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The 2013 Nobel Prize Prediction Guide for Gamblers
by Eli Lester     UPDATE 10/09/2013 - We have a contest on our Facebook page from now until the announcement of the winner. Drop by and make your pick to win 25 lei in free books. For Romanian and Moldovan addresses only.  It's with a slight sense of trepidation that I approach the recent announcement that 5 nominees have made their way to the top of the list for this year's Nobel Prize for Literature. It's not like those crafty Swedes have changed up their g..
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